Thinking about a sequel before writing anything...

by Jannine Smith
29th September 2014


I was planning more of my story which I will start writing on Wednesday (cannot wait!!) but yesterday I was thinking about the possible sequel as I'm confident the story could pick up from where it left off. I am hoping my main character's relationship is going to last but I want to write more about what happens behind closed doors.

Has anyone done or thought of writing a sequel? Put into consideration?


Hi Jannine,

How exciting! You must be so desperate to start writing! :) I planned to write 3 books from the start, which then morphed into 4. Planning each book is key, but you will find those drastically change along the way. Your characters will evolve, you'll develop subplots and arcs which may mean going back and changing things you wrote in previous books (like me).

I suggest to just have fun with it! It's such a long process with many ups and downs, but it's never a bad thing to aim for the sky :)

Good luck!!


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