
by Victoria Whithear
11th July 2012

I'm changing the title of my first book... again, and I wondered if anyone else is having this problem. I have a series and I'm not trying to make the titles match exactly, but this one I'm changing stuck out like a sore thumb as so different to the others that it just had to go. Trouble is, I have no idea what to replace it with. Do you use working titles? Do you stick to the original title or do you change it as you go?


What is your novel about? If it is a series who is the main character? Thei name should be in the title.

A few Dickens examples.

David Copperfield was about David Copperfield.

Oliver Twist is about Oliver Twist.

Edwin Drood is about Edwin Drood.

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I had a non fiction book published and really liked the title I'd given it but the publisher wanted it changing so I had to change it but was disappointed athaving to do so. My story poems always have one word titles except one and I had to use a hyphen so I felt comfortable with it still feeling like it was one word. I have to say, any fiction I've written (although none published) I always keep the same title that I start with (so far anyway) but I've never written a series

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