Today, I attended the How to Hook an Agent event.

by Adrian Sroka
21st October 2017

How to Hook an Agent

Today, I attended the ‘How to Hook an Agent’ event.

I’m glad I did. I picked up some useful tips in both workshops. The knowledge gained has helped me to avoid future pitfalls. I, particularly enjoyed my one-to-one session. I learned that the target audience for my novel is Y/A, and not as I had mistakenly thought for children of nine years and upwards. I’m grateful to have been informed of my error, and I was also pleased that my synopsis was well-received. I shall reduce it to a paragraph for my covering letter.

How could I have previously believed my action-adventure novel was for a younger audience? It’s because my protagonist, a noble knight, is 22 years of age, which means that my novel is better suited for a teenage audience and upwards.

There are no sex scenes, but there are battle scenes in my novel. Apparently, violence is not suitable for a young audience, even though young children can easily be exposed to violence in films, in video streams, in computer games and in news bulletins. However, I’m happy to change my target audience to Y/A.

I’m glad to report that ‘How to Hook an Agent’ was a worthwhile and positive experience. A few minor adjustments to my writing and I march onwards.

My sincere thanks to all four Agents, who gave us their time and their expertise to guide us would-be authors.


Susan, after considerable thought I can see why publishers have age specific concerns. I like the idea of publishers acting as a firewall to prevent young children from being subjected to sex and violence.

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Adrian Sroka

I wonder why everything has to be so age specific nowadays? As a child I read anything and everything, regardless of the age or sex of the protagonist. Thanks for sharing your points.

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Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us. Good luck with your novel!

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