
by Bernadette Ekberg
19th May 2019

I would like to ask about translation service, can anyone recommend a translator.I have written a book in English my own language, but I would like it translated into Swedish as I live in this country, and would like to broaden my market here.I am thinking I can translate my book myself but then dont know how to go about having it proof read etc. Any help would be gratefully received.Regards Bernie Ekberg


Thank you Edward,I have since looked into this here in Sweden, the quote was £5000! I had previously asked my publisher but they didnt know of any translators.

I have thought of translating, then asking my Daughter who is Swedish and has a great knowledge of English, and me! I could then pass it to my own publisher, or failing this just give up the idea!

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Bernadette Ekberg

No Bernadette, it wasn't an answer, it was rubbish...

Are there no agents in Sweden who could point you in the right direction?

What about Swedish publishers? They should have contacts for their own translation work.

Even if you translated the book yourself, you would still need it to be checked by someone with Swedish as their first language.

I hope this helps.

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