Tweeting and other commentry

by Victoria Whithear
20th July 2012

On the spur of the moment the other night I tweeted an agent I follow about a picture she'd posted. I was pleased to notice her reply the next day didn't ask who I was and why I felt the need to pester her, but it got me thinking: does being able to contact agents in such a way really help? It's possible random tweeting could get you labelled as a lunatic before you've even bought stamps for your sub. I hadn't planned to contact any of the agents I follow in that way and use twitter to see what they are looking for as they sometimes tweet that. What do we think about prior to sub contact through social networking, dangerous or daring?


That is exactly my worry, Adrian!

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It appears there will be much stalking on Twitter. Laugh out loud. People will check who is following who, and their followers.

Although I am on Messenger, Facebook and Twitter, I only log on out of curiosity when I am bored. That may change soon. I may yet end up a fully-fledged Twit.

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I too am on twitter @scampdoodle, however, I personally do not use it to tweet agents.

That being said, I think, as long as you are not tweeting them with 'Hey I've written a great book...' then I don't see the harm in sending them a message in response to their tweet. As Louise said, twitter is about engagement and the discussion, so if they are happy to be on twitter, then they should expect some level of engagement from their followers, that's how I see it anyway.

I have in the past sent tweets to Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett and out very own WAYB team. But also am in regular chat with another forum member via twitter.

Adrian, Victoria you now have a new follower :)

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