Two novels to send enquiry

by Gilly Ansell
5th September 2012

I have completed two novels now, though I am currently editing one but want to send them both out shortly. My question is should I send them out separately to different prospective agents or separately, with separate covering letters etc to the same agents? I hope that makes sense.


Treat them as separate projects.

Keep careful track of where each has gone and make sure you leave a decent interval between rejection on Project A and sending out Project B (don't sub them both to the same agent at the same time).

It's up to you whether you mention the other MS on sub - Victoria makes a good point about demonstrating you are a career writer rather than somebody with one book in them (it shows you are serious about this malarky).

If it were me though, I'd probably send Project A out on sub and leave Project B in a drawer for 6 months, only sending it out once I was done with Project A. It's amazing what perspective you can gain by doing that.

Good luck.

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Thanks Victoria. The first has been rejected twice so am editing again and looking at improving it as I still believe it has a good enough plot but will send to different publishers next time. I'd like them both to be out trying to find an agent though leaving me to get on with my next one. I shall keep plugging away :-)

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Each time you send one out, always mention the other one, but also mention your next work in progress to show you are producing a continuous stream of work for them to sell.

If one has been rejected by an agent, I don't think there is any harm in sending the other but I wouldn't send them at the same time.

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