by Lisa Stevens
22nd May 2014

Hi I need some advice, I've received an email from the above asking me to send a picture/profile of me & ten of my poems one of which will be considered in a book due to be published. What I want to know is can they use/publish my ten poems without my permission & do they have rights to make money publishing them once I have sent them to them. Another thing is once (if) they publish them can I still use those poems for other competitions/publishings? I have been writing poetry for years but never really sent it off/entered competitions before... So don't want to be led up the garden path so to speak, grateful for any advice... Thanks.. Lisa ..


I've encountered United Press and like Forward press (not as in Forward prize). They run a similar system but I have found Forward are preferable. They take one of your poems and put it in one of their anthologies which they offer you at a reduced but still an exorbitant price. You don't have to buy.Just the same if you only send them poems you are not likely to be able to get published elsewhere you can play them at their own game. I have won a thousand pounds and £100 from them. If you look for my name and connect it with animal antics on Google you will see proof of £1,000. On both occasions the cheque came as a surprise. I don't think either company would use your poems without your consent. Forward always send a form covering the agreement which seems fair.

Best wishes

Rosa Johnosn.

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This website says you should avoid them: http://winningwriters.com/the-best-free-literary-contests/contests-to-avoid And if you google United Press review then a few other people say it sounds like it might be a scam.

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Hi Lisa, I've read over your question several times and I think that your best bet would be to contact United Press and ask what sort of agreement they are looking for. They should, if they are reputable, be able to answer your questions and hopefully provide some sort of written agreement about expectations on both sides. I would also research copyright law online, so at least you have an understanding of your rights. Personally I don't believe they can print your work without permission, or make money from it without paying you royalties - however, not being an expert in this field I would definitely recommend research. Hope that helps and good luck!

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