United Press ????

by D.A Stacey
16th June 2012

Hi all,

Has anyone out there any info they can give me on this company- United Press. They have already decided to publish one of my poems and now they are sending me a special invite to publish another.

Is this too good to be true I wonder. They ask me to buy copies, which of course I do, but is this standard practice?

Any advice greatly appreciated.

All the best.



I work in the field of mental health. Think about those people who don't write to make money. For many people poetry is a way of expressing their innermost feelings because they do not have the confidence to do it any other way, and to be recognised for that (whether vanity publishing or otherwise) can sometimes be just the boost some people need. Not a boost for their career but for their self esteem and confidence. Many of us know that we will never be famous poets and for those who will it won't be whilst you are living, but just to know that someone thinks what you wrote is worth putting on paper means the world to some people. Foolish to you perhaps but a lifeline to some of them. I know a lot of people who have sent work to United Press and not been published so they don't print everything they get. Those I know who have say they have never been told they have to buy anything. I appreciate of course for you serious writers they are not your path to the kind of recognition you desire but there is a clear need for vanity publishing.

Profile picture for user friezy73_36803
270 points
Developing your craft
T Frieze


Even I got a same kind of letter from them, saying that they would publish my poetry in a book but with a order form to order copies of book from them. I am not sure why its is like that, and confused too.

Can someone suggest.

Profile picture for user kaila.me_28631
270 points
Developing your craft
Meenakshi Kaila

People they publish your work, but you can't buy here book anywhere or get them at the local library. Id avoid them if i was you.

Profile picture for user dawson.s_27269
270 points
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Sarah Dawson