by Hans Witvliet
26th November 2016

Lately I was painfully reminded about the difference between en_US and en_GB. You can configure the tool you use any way, just like

But does this mean that for each specific market, you have to create TWO versions, with their own ISBN, one for USA and one for Great Brittain?


Hi, Hans!

Q: Are you self-publishing? In which case, I wouldn't bother with 2 versions and 2 ISBNs. They're expensive for self-publishers. Just decide which market is more important to you; which version you feel more at home with; which is more appropriate to your setting.

Most cultured Yanks can deal with reading en_UK and most cultured Brits can deal with reading en_US.

If you're picked up by a Yank publisher and your book is in en_UK, they'll "translate" it for their market. And vice versa.

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