the use of the colon :

by Jeremy Gavins
22nd March 2017

Grammarly is confusing me. When I use dialogue as in,

when the teacher asked the question. "What is your name?"

according to everything I have been told after the word question I either use a comma or a full stop.

In Grammarly, a full colon is inserted :

I know that no one can tell me what is 'right' way but what is preferred?


Depends on context, Jeremy. Try these examples:

He was not listening when the teacher asked the question.

"What is your name?" she repeated with heavy emphasis.

Here the full stop is used because it ends the sentence preceding the speech.

He was not listening when the teacher asked the question, "What is your name?" (This is where the problem arises; you don't need to tell us it's a question - it's obvious.) You use a comma because the sentence doesn't end at 'question' - it ends after the speech.

He was not listening when the teacher asked, "What is your name?"

A comma is used to separate the action and the spoken word.


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I didn't realise the 'when' was actually a part of the sentence.

The teacher asked the question: "What is your name?" - correct

The teacher asked the question, "What is your name?" - correct

When the teacher asked the question: "What is your name?"... - incorrect

When the teacher asked the question, "What is your name?"... - correct

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I tend to agree with Jonothan and disagree with Dan.

I too have been told that as Jonothan says, 'A colon is incorrect in UK English usage'.

but of course, as Dan says, consistency is the key.

I have decided that what I will do with Grammarly is to use it over the next four weeks to edit all my writings, for obvious mistakes with commas and spelling, but not follow its commands if I disagree with them

I have set it up to use only UK English but I find quite a lot of Americanisms in its suggestions. I keep having to check it hasn't reverted to USA English.

I am glad I only bought 1 months subscription.

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