by Ashwerya T
18th February 2014

Is there anybody who sends their entry THE VISIT? I haven't found anybdy talking about that. Is there any way we can find out the no.s of entries? It was my first competition, so nervous.


Hi All,

I submitted my piece for the short story titled ' the visit'. I received an email confirmation that the entry had been accepted

Good luck everyone

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I submitted and as John B Wilson states, you should have received an acknowledging email.

One problem with these competitions is that it's a bit like taking a young child to a school audition. You know your son/daughter/niece/nephew is the best there, why can't those stupid teacher-judges see that? And when you submit your work here, you know it's the best thing anyone has written since Hamlet, but then you don't even get short-listed. What???

We try to be objective but we invest so much of ourselves in the work, that it becomes a part of us. It's sometimes very hard to take a rejection, but that is a huge part of writing. I entered another competition last year, and everyone I showed my work agreed with me that it was brilliant. I came nowhere.

If you are serious (and I mean really, truly, absolutely, serious) about getting published other than by online self-publishing means; then just do your best writing and put it down for a while. Come back to it and try to revise/rewrite it. Do this as many times as you can, and then submit it. You will probably get rejections as the majority of us do. But you can pay for reviews with many competitions, and there are many other services available. (Check this website.)

I have a couple of things submitted at the moment, and when I receive the results, if I again get nowhere, I shall seriously consider getting what I consider my best piece evaluated professionally. That way, there is nowhere to hide.

Teach your child how to sing and dance instead of just telling them they're fabulous. Good luck with the competition, one and all.


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Good Luck everyone !! :)

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V Murali
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