
by jenna smith
17th January 2017

Hi All Someone recommended Wattpad to me as a website to share your work, feedback etc. I like it, it's good to make a cover and upload chapters for feedback and start to, theoretically gain some momentum as a writer but it seems like a fairly young group and I'm not sure its the right place for me. Does anyone use other websites like this, if so, what are they? Or do you post here more? And if so its there an etiquette to the lengths posted? Thanks 😁


Thanks for that both.

Just to clarify when I described Wattpad as ' young' I mean the members ages generally not the size of the group, which incidentally is very big! I don't write for children Emilie but good luck and thanks for the comments 😊

Profile picture for user jennifer_6390
270 points
Developing your craft
jenna smith

Hi, Jenna!

I can't opine on Wattpad having never heard of it. (Thanks for the tip: I'll check them out.) But please don't discount a concern/ project just because it's small! How would you like it if nobody (including literary agents, as well as "yer common punter") read YOUR work because they'd never heard of you???

Web-sites and hole-in-the-wall publishers have exactly the same problem: nobody's heard of us, so nobody's going to submit to us, so nobody's going to pass on the tip, so nobody's going to hear of us, so...

We at La Gr@not@ are trying to break out of this vicious circle... and trying to help unknown writers break out of it, too! We need unknown writers to "sign" with us. (In fact, there's nothing to sign: you control 100% rights to your work and can walk away from us as soon as you sign with one of the big companies. But we want to HELP you sign with the big companies.)

Last year, we applied to be included in the WAYB listings. Judging by the flood of submissions, enquiries, etc. that we DIDN'T get, we weren't included. After all, despite countless, annoying ploys to grab people's attention here on this web-site, on FB, etc., the WAYB hasn't heard of us either and doesn't take us seriously. So we're not in the listings, so we're not going to get writers applying to us, so WAYB isn't going to take us seriously, so...

But we're headbangers! We'll bang our heads against brick walls again and again in a (hopefully, eventually NOT) vain attempt to act as a springboard for new writing and illustrating talent. We'll be applying for inclusion in the WAYB listings this year and next and next and... until we get in.

In the meantime, keep writing! And get your work read wherever and however you can...

(In case you write and/or illustrate for children: http://la-granota.com/)

Profile picture for user emilie@l_41018
van Damm
330 points
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Emilie van Damm

Hi Jenna. I use writers workshop too, but don't post much on there. Although there seems to be more interaction, but I just prefer W&A.

I think the guideline is to post a max of 3000 words on here. I've found that if you want people to review your work it's best to mention it in Q&A - just to highlight that you're looking for feedback as people don't always go to shared works, but that's just my experience. It's helpful to state the genre and word count too, just so people know if it's something of interest.

Hope this helps :)

Profile picture for user dwyer197_47835
330 points
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Clare Williams