I am interested to know how other people write. For example, I find the way that works best for me is handwriting my book and then re-drafting it on the computer. I know lots of people write books in very different ways, I'd be interested to hear about any other users ways of writing. Thanks!
Like most I have a notebook at hand to jot down any ideas and any snippets of writing that may come to me; sometimes it's just a paragraph or a bit of dialogue; character's personalities things like that. Then I usually sit down write an outline of the story I am going to write just so I have everything straight in my head. Usually though I start writing my story straight onto the computer and then like Chris and Ralph have said it gets backed up onto a USB stick.
I write on a computer without notes or a hard copy manuscript. I don't plan, just have an idea of the main characters (usually nameless initially) and their personalities, then let my mind transmit the info to my fingers (index fingers, L and R) and just write. Events just occur when they occur.
Then back it up on a USB stick.
It works, my method (just write!)! Just done the first draft.
I write everything on the computer ( but keep a notebook to jot down ideas) and I back everything up on a USB.