A Website for Private Group to Publish & Critique Work

by Paul Burns
15th November 2015

I have recently set up a private resource bank on-line for a national group using the free facilities provided by groups.io. This user-friendly web platform was ideal for storing documents in folders in a way that makes them accessible to others, but doesn't lend itself to my next project.

I want to use an existing web platform that will allow the group's writers to publish work so that can only other members of the group can see it.

The ideal platform (and I know I'm asking a lot) will be

* free and without ads

* allow people to paste poems and short stories from Word onto a page

without losing most of the formatting (one piece of writing per page)

* allow for listings of pieces under headings

* allow others to post feedback below a piece of writing

* facilitate finding a specific piece of content through a search facility

I've already experimented with Wordpress, Blogger, Flickr, Big Tent, Spiceworks...

If you have used a platform and think it meets most of the criteria, I would love to hear your suggestion. If you haven't used a platform, please don't suggest it as I've already spent a lot of time exploring non-starters.


Wilhemina, I hadn't heard of auhtonomy. Shame I missed it.

I have settled for Yahoo Groups.

Profile picture for user burns-pa_42070
270 points
Developing your craft
Paul Burns

Good luck with the project, Paul, and let us (well, I really mean let ME) know if you manage to set something like that up. You obviously have more IT skills than I do.

There used to be a web-site http://authonomy.com which seemed to meet MOST of your criteria. it was run by HarperCollins and discontinued a few months ago, breaking the hearts of many of its users (some of whom have joined a Facebook Group). If a publishing house like HarperCollins can't manage to keep running a much-loved web-site of these characteristics (and remember that it didn't meet your ambitious scheme 100% - your 2nd point, "allow people to paste poems and short stories from Word onto a page

without losing most of the formatting" wasn't realised [nor would it be on Facebook]), I suspect that you'd need a whole team of really enthusiastic, IT-savvy people working long hours to keep it afloat.

Best of luck to you!

Profile picture for user wilhelmi_40676
330 points
Developing your craft
Wilhelmina Lyre

Thanks Barbara. It seems Facebook Groups will only lt me add people who are already on Facebook.

Profile picture for user burns-pa_42070
270 points
Developing your craft
Paul Burns