Websites -- when, what, or why bother yet?

by Charlie Aylett
12th September 2014

So, I feel ready to put my writing out into the wide world, but in my research so far I have found that a lot of agents/editors saying that they expect an author to have a website that they can look at to find out more about them and their projects. But right now, I have nothing published, except for one poem in an anthology, and two ongoing novel projects that are not yet completed (though I am in the midsts of revising one).

So, what on earth should I be putting on a website? Or should I just not bother yet and instead concentrate on getting those first few publications of short stories and try to build a readership? Whenever I look at authors whose work is published on E-zines, they have a website to link to, and although my instincts lean towards the actual writing is the most important thing right now, I wouldn't want to look unprofessional by not having a website if that is the general expectation.

Chicken and egg, chicken and egg...



Hi Charlie,

I'm probably not at the same stage as you in terms of finished (or even near finished) work, so I guess it's slightly less of an issue for me, but I don't much see the sense in investing in a website until you have something more substantial to say. There's no reason why you can't use Wordpress or a similar blog to make your writing available, and you can direct publishers to that if necessary, but I'm inclined to agree that actually writing is more important than a website at the moment, and that should be your focus.

Writing must surely come first, whether it be chicken or egg.


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