What does Christmas Men To You?

by Adrian Sroka
24th December 2015

Christmas is for Everybody in the World.

Christmas is about good Christian Values. It's about peace and goodwill. A time of giving and receiving gifts. Many non-religious groups join in the festivities because it is part of our way of life. I'm not interested how Christmas was born, or how it has evolved, because I love the core humane principles at the very heart of Christmas. I do believe in God, although, I don't feel the need to practise my belief in a church. Each to their own beliefs and chosen lifestyle. For those that mock Christmas, just consider who and what Christmas is for and about. We have Mother's Day, We have Father's Day, but Christmas is Children's Day - Christmas is for ALL the children of the world.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.


Hi AS.

Came to this late, sorry, so for many people Christmas has passed. But as we know, it goes on for some time yet.

I have just returned from four years living in Spain, where there is a ceremony of bringing the tree into the main living room on Christmas Eve, then not much until 'Los Reys' - 'The Kings' which is on twelfth night. That is their big event. Other parts of the world do things somewhat differently, but you are perfectly correct, that people all over the world, of all religions and none, celebrate the 'event' of Christmas and I believe this can best be demonstrated in the Christmas songs everyone sings and has done for many centuries.

In the 100 years war the first instance of a Christmas Day truce was recorded, when a French and a Prussian soldier sang carols across no-man's-land. The same occurred in WW1 of course, followed by a famous football match. (It appears that Germany-England match was better tempered that many of late.)

Everything from Silent Night to Do They Know It's Christmas tells us something about what this time of year means. You are right to note that you are not interested in the origins of the festivities - the birth of Christ; the Celtic mid-Winter festival; or many other possibilities - for it is the 'Spirit' of the time of year which I believe touches everyone. Peace and Goodwill. Be good to people. Don't pass by on the other side of the street.

More than 50% of the UK population now claim no religious beliefs, and some hard-line Christians denounce the consumerism of the time of year, but it is all about people feeling good about themselves, their families, their friends, and hopefully the 'others' too.

For my part, and writing as a Humanist, Christmas is the one event/time that should be on everyone's calendar. There's nothing wrong with being nice to people and helping them if you can.

A belated Merry Christmas to you sir, and I hope you have a successful and happy new year.


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