When are you ready to try to get published?

by Sonya Kar
15th October 2013

If you have written your novel-edited it, had it read by a few people-had it edited (professionally if you have the money) -redrafted-put it away and tried to forget it- done a few more edits-then are you ready to go? To try agents or self publishing? Most books fail because the writer wasn't ready yet-but when is a writer ready? Tell me, how you have known when you were ready to submit or try self-publsihing? What were the signs?


Hello, Sonya

I couldn't agree more with Jonathon. For me, two years of proofreading and revising was more than enough. It was a horrible experience because it stopped me writing anything else. I felt like a junkie coming back for one more hit. In the end I had to finish it to create the space in my head to fully focus on something else.

Then fear stopped me doing anything with the MS until I had a kick up the backside and sent it to a professional editor. His review changed everything. One major revision later (armed with the right tools), and it is now the book I wanted it to be. I aim to self publish it at the end of the year.

On a side note, to help with the costs of professional editing I suggest approaching colleges that run proofreading and/or editing courses. The students will often charge a lower rate as you are giving them real world practice on your MS.

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Renee, good luck with your submission. keep us updated when it is available!

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Jonathan, Renee: am plucking up the courage. Still making changes even as I make a list of the next steps and prepare for submission.

Damien: I totally agree-there comes a time when one over edits-to pick at the story line until new changes make potholes in the plot or destroy a character's credibility.

Michael: I think every writer goes through periods of self-loathing and also of loathing for one's work. I don't think the loathing lasts long though-I have never found a writer who cannot discourse with enthusiasm on their book if they are encouraged.

I need to stop, to let new work flow as well-and that means letting go of the old-atleast for a while. I felt really sad to exit the world of my first novel, my second (unrelated) novel has not yet absorbed me as much as the first did. I have put so much of love in my first work and now it has to be judged-so I am struggling to put this new hat on.

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Sonya Kar