when do i contact publishers

by anan allos
5th June 2012

do i spend considerable time writing the full draft, then contact publishers, risking no one accepts it. or does one write a synopsis, or contents list plus say one chapter, and test publisher interest?

sorry, a novice with a good idea, but little experience :)


wow, thanks guys for this useful and super prompt responses :)

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Everybody has got a story in fact everybody has got the ultimate story.

Very few people have written down the full story.

I mean the Start, Middle, End of story

Unless you have an inside track to Publishers, Movie producers etc

Your Dad,Mom,Uncle is an a A lister I would forget about the one page pitch.

It may be the greatest story never told but a one page or even a 5 pages pitch it will remain untold.

I would recommend completing your master work and pitching the lot as a complete well edited finished product.

If it is ignored, go the Kindle, eBook route. Better to be sitting on an Amazon list where people can access pay and read your master piece,

as on the bottom of a swamped publishers "Slush Pile."

We are right in the middle of "The Golden Age of Self Publishing" and it will end as night follows day. As the mainstream Publishers regain control. So I would again suggest you avoid the slush pile and self publish via Kindle or what ever flavour of eBook you like. Your eBook published work will still of course need to be edited and most importantly have a good cover.

But otherwise just go for it. If it is a fantastic book the mainstream Publishers will beat a path to your door.

Again please remember this is my own very personal opinion.

You write what you write and do what you need to do.

In the end its always, only up to you.

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Hi Anan,

First off, welcome to the forum :)

I would suggest that you 'just write'. Get your story down, your arc figured out, characters developed, and plot nailed.

Once you have a first draft, leave it a while, let the dust settle as it were, and then go back to it with fresh eyes.

Read it through, edit where you feel necessary. Get a friend or close family member to read it and make your edits again.

Once you are happy and you have a product, then I would suggest for you to think about querying agents. As, should they ask to see a full manuscript telling them you haven't finished writing it will not go down well.

During the writing stage you'll figure so much more out, and your story may even take you on a path that you didn't anticipate - that's the joy of writing.

I hope this helps. Good luck!

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