Which Genre does my book - 'An Other Tale of Two Cities' - fit?

by Ravi Krish
25th August 2015

Hi, I have written a long book.. A work of Fiction.. I have several themes or storylines within the book, each one almost equally balanced and well integrated and resolved. I am unable to cast it within a single Genre. I need help to identify the genre and the principal story line.

'An Other Tale of Two Cities'

This is a story of two talented Indian Teenagers, Kula and Jay, who set out on their journey from a small town near Chennai, India to win Gold at the 'Citadel for Table Tennis Champions'; the 'Games' at Shanghai, China; against the toughest competition one could imagine; analogous to 'Taming the Dragon in its Lair'. On their journey they discover true and eternal friendship with a Chinese girl, Li Ling, a member of the Chinese TT team, who joins their magical journey, punctuated by Triangular love, sacrifice, humor and enormous will to win. Li Ling in turn discovers a mother and a family to call her own in far away India, thanks to her friends. In their quest for stardom, the trio face off repeatedly against Deng, who has been variously described as vicious, vindictive and vengeful. When Jay, whose winning ways was interrupted by a scheming Deng and his coterie, she reacts at the podium by laying her Bronze medal as a wreathe at the feet of her nemesis, who had won against her, assisted only by brazenly biased umpiring. Little did she realize that her act of foolishness would lead to a diplomatic conflict between her country and an unapologetic 'China in denial'. The series of events eventually trigger a fratricidal and internecine war that was waiting to happen, between the Chinese Government headed by the President and a faction of the ruling elite, running a parallel Government at the behest of the 'God Father' and his protege. Li Ling, braves incarceration as a traitor and possible death sentence to save Kula from the clutches of the all powerful gang, before she goes missing. Did Li Ling survive? Did any of them eventually conquer the Dragon? Who among them attained stardom and and at what cost? Who sacrificed self in the final gambit?

The reader would experience;

* Strong Will to Win against huge constraints and endless conspiracies

* Exciting Bonds of Friendship with a Chinese Girl for the Indian heroes

* Story of Love, Friendship and Humor; beautifully told

* If there's love; Triangular love; then ultimate sacrifice can't be far behind

* Science in Action

* Politics and Treachery; in China and in India and with the attendant International intrigue.

* Lives and Freedom at stake in an alien country

* International Intrigue and Diplomacy at its best

* Family life and Culture - The Pride of India

* Action, Adventure and Thrills and aplenty - A roller coaster ride to remember for life between

* The Two Cities of Chennai in India and Shanghai in China

This book is my first. Having taken a title 'An Other Tale of Two Cities', I feel I have taken up an onerous responsibility of having to do justice to the original 'A Tale of Two Cities' by the Legendary Charles Dickens. I believe I have done well. However, it is for my readers to approve.

The characters, the culture and family life in India and China has been portrayed and contrasted pretty well that it could be treated as a work of literature. However, the language is simple and down to earth, unlike other pronounced literary works.

I need help to fix the genre or should we have a new classification multi genre? Please help.

Ravi Krish


An Other Tale of Two Cities.


And satisfying the literary quest..

oops.. it isn't middle grade. :-)

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Ravi Krish

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for your guidance. It helps. 'Action and Adventure for YA and Middle Grade. As Wilhelmina suggested, there's a dearth of choice of labels for genre. At least it would have helped, if we could have multiple choices..

However, I have thought over and decided to stick to the 'Literary' genre. Though the story is primarily a story of Triangular Friendship, Love and Sacrifice, I have done my best to portray the characters well. the romance in the plot is different keeping the sensibilities of India and it's culture and family life.

The Political intrigue and action and adventure add spice to the story, nothing more. I trust the readers will find the story and the telling interesting..


Ravi Krish

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Ravi Krish

Oops, its not Middle grade.

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