Who is the right agent?

by Kai Johnson
2nd June 2013

Hey, all I really want to know is, who is the right agent, how do I know if he/she is right or not? What do they do so I know they are reliable etc...

Thankyou especially to Myrisha who has gave me some excellent answers from my past questions, and you say the same thing every time- read the advice section. But now I have read what is in it on this website and it is a great help but I wanted to know from a writers prospective and get actual answers from a writers pointer view. Thanks :)


Okay I'm putting my two cents in here.

When you go onto the agents web site look at the clients you can always tell by that. It goes on there history and also, I'm not sure if you have a twitter, but you can inter act with agents on there, by asking them questions I know a lot of agents do #AskAgent you can submit any questions to them when they put that hash tag up!

I would look up the Agency Group http://www.theagencygroup.com/agent.aspx?AgentID=422

If you do have twitter I'm following Juliet Mushens she is an agent from there, she is always on twitter and she answers a lot of questions... One of her newest clients is James Oswald and His book Natural Causes has just topped the best sellers list, and it has only been out a few weeks... So I'd look up that agency... I hope that helps you out.

P.s I'm always willing to help if I can give out advice... You're very welcome... :)

But like I've just said and from what I see I go by their history of clients.

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Myrisha Connelly