Will my 'Voice' be edited out?

by Jeremy Gavins
14th August 2017

My book is very nearly finished. With the help of Ulverston Writer's Group (UWG) I have been re-editing it chapter by chapter for the last 12 months. UWG say my writing has improved exponentially over that time. When I started writing I read a lot about finding my voice. This confused for a time, but then it sort of clicked.

I have been told I ought to get the book copy-edited. My question relates to just how much editing goes on? If they want to change how it is written will my 'voice' get edited out too.


A copy editor should not change the narrative voice at all; their goal is to help the author produce the most polished book that he possibly can, but it is still his book.

The editor goes through the whole manuscript line by line. They will check grammar, typos, spelling mistakes, sequential errors, timelines, but they may also suggest that a paragraph would read better if you changed it round, or that a chapter would improve if you didn't have consecutive paragraphs beginning with the same word.

They should pick up unnecessary 'he said, she said', or 'he shouted, she cried', and so forth; also repetitious movements which distract.

It takes an editor a long time to do this, but it is not their intention to rewrite your book, only to polish it.


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it may possible if your voice is clear of hearing and it is also related about your theem of thinking. thank you

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Thanks for the comments. Yes I think I will get one of my friends to do the copy edit then, and possibly run it through Grammarly.

if I have to spend money maybe just a normal editor.

I actually thought that they were both the same thing,

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Jeremy Gavins