Would anyone be interested in mini comps?

by Elizabeth Frattaroli
27th February 2013

Hi, I am pretty new here but think its a great opportunity for writers to share their work. My question is whether anyone would like to take part in mini writing competitions to be run monthly and just for fun? I am trying to set this up on my blog and the idea would be for people to submit their own prose/poems up to a 500 word limit with visitors then voting for their favourite and the winner each month setting the next month's theme, beginning or ending etc. Envisage a bit of trial and error but thought I'd put it out there....



I'm afraid I no longer inflict my poetry and short stories on the world. I know writers should hone their skills in all kinds of writing and I do still write poetry and short fiction if the mood strikes, but the novels are my focus and I don't like to be distracted from them.

Good luck, though.

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Victoria Whithear