Writer - Illustrator contract

by Ben W Simpson
10th May 2015


I'm a writer and am in the process of commissioning someone to illustrate my stories so I can self-publish. The illustrator will be paid a flat fee, not royalties. Does anyone know of a good contract template I could use?



Hi Ben, I am interested that you are commissioning an illustrator without them having royalties. I am in the position where I have commissioned and paid for my illustrations. The illustrator has now started discussing royalties now that I have a publishing contract. Anyone out there I would be interested to know what I should pay as I will receive 25% on paperbacks and 40% on e books plus it is a contribution contract, so I will be paying nearly 2k up front. Really need advice on this

Profile picture for user cathyfre_55943
270 points
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Cathy Mayes

Thanks Jimmy. I'll just have to draft something myself then...

(It's a picture book I'm working on. I offered the illustrator royalties but they wanted payment upfront - can't blame them really, self-publishing being as risky as it is.)

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Ben W
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Ben W Simpson

There is no good universal template as far as I know... unless somebody has prepared a VERY flexible one.

You don't explain what kind of book, what kind of illustration.

Is it a novel that you're trying to make a bit more attractive, in order to avoid Alice's criticism: "but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?' "?

If it's a novel and you want a "off the hook" b/w line drawing every dozen pages to break the monotony, you don't have to offer much money to get a "hack" to toss something off. Art-and-design students might be interested, in order to add to their CVs.

If I were planning a children's picture book with a few words/page and REALLY attractive, eye-catching illustrations in full colour and full talent, I would NEVER consider a flat fee. I would even - in some cases - offer the illustrator top billing and a larger share of royalties than I'd be getting myself. (And I'm a self-publisher.)

I'd shoot for the moon... and "Best Illustrated Children's Book" prizes.

Yer gets wot yer pays for.

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Hollis i Dickson
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