Writing abroad

by Bernadette Ekberg
24th October 2017

I am currently trying to find an agent on the completion of my book, have read various atricles on this subject, however I would like to ask if there is difficulty when writing in English, my native language, and finding an agent in the UK.


Thank you so much Lorraine, such good advice you gave me, I did think that with computers etc it might be easy, but I will take your advice and maybe e mail or phone an agency, and see what happens.

Kind regards

Bernie Ekberg

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Bernadette Ekberg

Hi, Bernadette,

You'd think in this day and age that it wouldn't matter where in the world you are; but it does depend upon the agent. I know of one case where an agent was positive about a book but told the author that she lived too far away (in Tenerife).

It's hard enough for anyone to find an agent; given the shortage of them, and the excess of us writers, it's perhaps understandable that if they had to choose between two, they'd opt for the one that was closest and therefore most convenient to work with.

You could try an email approach, or phone any agencies that interest you, to see what their position is. It would be wrong to generalise, after all. It could save you a lot of heartache waiting for a call that doesn't come, not because your work isn't right for them, but because you're in the wrong place.

If in doubt, ask.

Best of luck,


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