Writing a supernatural story

by Charley Bucknall-Smith
19th March 2013

Does anyone have any tips for writing a supernatural story, I'm trying my first draft of one and I'm not sure how I can make it interesting and keep the reader guessing? Any advice or experience would be much appreciated. I've never written one before.


Simple questions...

1. What is interesting about it to you?

2. Will that be interesting to anyone else?

3. If the answer to 1 is "yes" and the answer to 2 at least "it could be" then you ask yourself - "how do I make this an interesting read for anyone?"

Simple really isn't it?

The thing is - that if you are just working on a formula or an outline as a mechanical process you are unlikely to really strike pay dirt. Lively interest only comes when the writier has at least the same lively interest. (You will also need all of that and more to get through the pleasures of editing and getting your book into print)

Keeping a reader guessing? First you have to keep the reader reading. I focus on this.

The dangers with a guessing game are that it can become irritating - or - , worse in my opinion, you can signpost the outcome. If someone can see what's coming - will they keep reading? This is where I stumble on Terry Pratchett's Disc World. My brother loves his guesses being confirmed - I fall asleep with the extended build ups. Similarly (to me) JK Rawling telegraphs not just what will happen but the twist arounds pretty nearly from the first page. That leaves me thinking "do I need to keep reading?"

Okay. I am awkward. Thinking of film though - a really unexpected twist in the tail is something I love. One classic example is the end of "The Sting". To me this is brilliant. The first time it stuns you - the next time (and a few more) I have to watch things closely to see how the thing is wrapped up and then unwrapped... Beyond that there is the fun of looking to see if there are any errors. Now a tail that good is an achievement.

The big question has to be - how to keep the reader involved between the start and the Dénouement

If I knew all the answers to your questions I would be having my secretary's secretary typing this...


PS But I am working on it ;-)

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