Dialogue Screenwriting Secrets

Dialogue Screenwriting Secrets

What can all writers learn about writing dialogue from screenplays? Has your prose been poleaxed by dodgy dialogue? Do all your characters sound the same? Frightened of getting the speaking parts down? Have you got too much, or too little talk happening? Want to learn how to sharpen up your character’s chat and elevate your manuscript?

Whether you’re writing for the page, stage, or screen this masterclass, led by screenwriter and novelist Angela Clarke (BBC, Netflix, Hachette, Harper Collins etc), focuses on tools to write convincing speech, manage subtext, avoid exposition dumps, and turn dowdy dialogue into the star of the show.  This masterclass will take place online via Teams. It will also be recorded so if you are unable to attend live, you'll be able to catch-up and access the recording for up to two weeks after the event has taken place.


The key details of the session are below, as well as the link you’ll need to join this online masterclass. Joining instructions will also be circulated by email a week ahead of the event.


Joining Link: 


You can download Teams free on your computer, or join via the web: https://www.microsoft.com/en-ww/microsoft-teams/download-app 

Select group topics
Writing dialogue
Film, Music, Theatre, TV and Radio
Writing stage
Developing your craft

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