How To Write A Page-Turner

How To Write A Page-Turner

How To Write A Page-Turner is a six-session online writing course that requires just 90 minutes of your time each week. Designed by best-selling author of crime fiction, Caroline Green, this is an essential introduction to developing a manuscript that hurls your protagonist – and readers! – through the sort of twists and turns synonymous with a can’t-put-down, page-turning novel. Practical elements include plot development, pacing, creating characters, and building tension. Attendees are not required to have a work-in-progress ready to share but those who are already working on an original manuscript can, of course, apply in-session exercises to their writing as they see fit. All students may also submit up to 2,000 words of original material to Caroline at the end of the course, and receive up to two pages of feedback on their work.  Course benefits Students on this course should expect: - 9 hours of practical writing advice and tuition  - Feedback from Caroline Green on up to 2,000 words of your writing - Peer-to-peer review; amass a wealth of objective feedback from fellow students    - Course materials available to view ahead of each session - A copy of the Writers' & Artists' Yearbook and the W&A Companion Guide to Writing Crime & Thriller - Exclusive discounts on W&A products including editing services and books Each week sessions will combine tutorials with practical exercises, discussion and feedback.    Schedule Week One: Monday 11th October Heroes, villains and victims: How to create strong, believable fictional characters, including authority figures that live off the page. Week Two: Monday 18th October Point-of-View and Voice: Finding the right way to tell your story and coming up with a ‘voice’ that hooks and intrigues your readers. Week Three: Monday 25th October Plotting a book: Getting the initial inspiration and where to start, plus how to plan and structure your story so it hangs together tightly. Week Four: Monday 1st November  Pace and Tension: How to write so that your readers will keep turning the pages. Week Five: Monday 8th November A Sense of Place: Creating settings that add atmosphere and depth to your story.  Week Six: Monday 15th November Editing your book and pitching to the industry, with guest speaker TBC

Select group topics
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Writing stage
Developing your craft

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