A Writer's Journal

A Writer's Journal

There are several big questions when it comes to writing: how do I get started? What do I want to write about? How do I develop my voice? How can I become a better writer?  Creativity Consultant, former TV producer and award-winning author of The Hurting Lucy van Smit, has developed A Writer’s Journal Workbook to help you work through these questions, with practical exercises and creative prompts. In this masterclass she will be taking you through how a five-step journaling process can transform your writing life. Whether you are an emerging writer looking to find your voice and improve your confidence, or an experienced writer seeking inspiration for your next project and looking to hone your practise. This masterclass is all about creating space to explore your creativity, unlock the story you are working on and the way it needs to be told, and develop a regular writing practise you look forward to sitting down to, transforming your writing in the process.

Select group topics
Developing your idea
Writing stage
Developing your craft

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