Writer’s Journal Workbook Mini-Course

Writer’s Journal Workbook Mini-Course

Join this free mini course – inspired by Lucy van Smit's A Writer's Journal Workbookin order to make space for your own creativity on a weekly basis.

 Starting Monday 12th September, we'll be sharing a video and writing exercise from Lucy in the hope that you can carve out time in your schedule to dedicate to your own writing, no matter what stage you’ve reached. Each of Lucy’s writing prompts can be applied to either a work-in-progress that’s well developed but in need of a kick-start, or adopted by writers looking to flex their creative muscles as they hunt for the elusive spark that’s destined to become their next project.

What’s the catch? Well… there isn’t one! We’ll post a link or two about Lucy’s brilliant book – and also an upcoming masterclass led by Lucy that we’re excited to be hosting later this year – but these messages are simply to point you in the right direction in case you’re interested. We’ll deliver writing prompts for nine consecutive weeks but how much work you put in is at your own discretion, you’re free to leave the group at any time, and any contributions that you make to the discuss thread is entirely up to you. (And for those of you eager to contribute to the thread, please bear in mind our community guidelines)

We hope you find the prompts useful, and they inspire the creative momentum that takes your writing to the next level.


Week 1: The Naming Game - Monday 12th September 

Week 2: Identify Yourself as a Writer - Monday 19th September 

Week 3: Your Life as Content - Monday 26th September 

Week 4: Start with One Sentence - Monday 3rd October 

Week 5: Writing Dialogue - Monday 10th October 

Week 6: Creating a Simple Story Structure - Monday 17th October 

Week 7: Writing in Scenes - Monday 24th October 

Week 8: Writing Your First Draft in One Go - Monday 31st October 

Week 9: How to Thrive - It's All In Your Approach! - Monday 7th November

Select group topics
Creative Writing and Publishing
Developing your idea
Writing stage
Developing your craft

Group owner