Writing Character and Unexpected Friendships

Writing Character and Unexpected Friendships

We are really looking forward to welcoming you to ‘Writing Character and Unexpected Friendships’ with Sara Nisha Adams, Wednesday 13th September, 7pm – 8:30pm.

Are you writing character driven fiction? Are you crafting unexpected friendships and relationships between the people in your story? In this summer masterclass, critically acclaimed author Sara Nisha Adams will be sharing her insight into creating characters on the page, and building unexpected friendships between your cast. She will discuss getting to know your characters and touching on emotional topics through them, as well as what makes the kind of character that a reader wants to spend time with. She will delve into crafting relationships between your characters, helping you understand what characters will work well together, especially if they are very different people. Her own book 'The Reading List' is all about an unexpected friendship, so she will share her learnings and top tips, as well as how to use place and setting to take relationships between characters in unexpected directions.  Plus she'll talk about her editing process, and her route to publication. This masterclass will be online via Teams. It will also be recorded so if you are unable to attend live, you'll be able to catch-up and access the recording for up to two weeks following the circulation of the recording.  

Ahead of the session, Sara would like you to have a think about your favourite fictional friendship (preferably an unlikely one, or one that didn’t get off to the best of starts!) - either from TV, Films, Books, comics, anything really - and have a think about why that friendship has resonated with you.


The key details of the session are below, as well as the link you’ll need to join this online masterclass. 


When: Wednesday 13th September, 7:00pm - 8:30pm UK Time

Where: Online

Joining Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MDlmMThkN2EtN2U4My00NWQ1LTg5NjYtYzQ4NDE0NDI3NmU4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2230141112-9deb-40f3-be1c-af76b07d7a06%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ec52b752-c032-4c17-9cc9-a0d83b2d82ae%22%7d 

You can download Teams free on your computer, or join via the web: https://www.microsoft.com/en-ww/microsoft-teams/download-app 

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Creating characters
Writing stage
Developing your craft

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