Writing Flash Fiction

Writing Flash Fiction

Do you write flash fiction?

In this online lunchtime learning masterclass flash fiction writer and editor Farhana Khalique will explore what is, and what isn't, flash fiction, and how to write it well. She'll delve into her creative process as well as techniques for coming up with original ideas. Farhana will share some advice/ tips around creating characters and a narrative arc when working with so few words, as well as how to get your beginning and end right.

Plus, she'll take about what really excites her about a submission from an editorial perspective!

This masterclass will take place online via Teams. It will also be recorded so if you are unable to attend live, you'll be able to catch-up and access the recording for up to two weeks after the event has taken place. The session will end with a brief Q&A, so come ready with your questions! 


Joining details:

Meeting ID: 834 5595 3780

Passcode: 831903

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83455953780?pwd=T0tHM3ZFQXNlOVBLZFNBTGRQT2VOdz09

Select group topics
Short stories
Writing and Editing
The writing process
Writing stage
Starting out
Developing your craft
Ready to publish

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