Writing Vividly

Writing Vividly

Some books fill your head with images you'll never forget. So how can you make sure your readers can see every bit of the story you're telling them?

Writer and visual artist Isobel Wohl will share techniques and tips for writing more vividly, looking at how you can pull from life to build the world and characters of your book. She'll talk about the importance of writing vividly, and how it can be used to capture a reader and keep them with you. And she'll look at how vivid writing can be approached in different ways, when writing short form fiction and long form fiction. Plus she'll share insight into her own writing process, and her journey to publication. This masterclass will be online via Teams. It will also be recorded so if you are unable to attend live, you'll be able to catch-up and access the recording for up to two weeks after the event has taken place. 

This event is being run in collaboration with Book Aid International, with proceeds from ticket sales will go towards their Generation Reader campaign.

Joining Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjdlNDVhMWYtZTBiZC00ZDJmLTg0YTgtZjVjYTRmZGIzOGZh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2230141112-9deb-40f3-be1c-af76b07d7a06%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ec52b752-c032-4c17-9cc9-a0d83b2d82ae%22%7d 

You can download Teams free on your computer, or join via the web: https://www.microsoft.com/en-ww/microsoft-teams/download-app 


Isobel has asked you to prepare the following if you have time:

  • Please bring an example of writing that feels vivid to you. Do your best to keep it brief: a phrase, a sentence or two, or a short paragraph. Feel free to choose from any source (fiction, nonfiction, song lyrics, a poem, whatever you like) and don't overthink it.
  • In addition, please bring a short passage of your own writing to work on during the session. Choose something that feels a bit flat or lacklustre to you, since we'll be exploring ways to make this section more vivid. (You won’t have to share anything unless you want to.) As for length, I'd say you want at least 150 words and probably not more than a page. I would recommend printing a couple of copies if you can, but if that’s not possible, on-screen works too.
  • Please also bring some scrap paper and something to write with, plus a couple of additional pens or pencils in different colours. Highlighters are great if you have them, but by no means obligatory.
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Creative Writing and Publishing
The writing process
Writing and Editing
Finding Inspiration
Writing stage
Developing your craft

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