Cliff Somer's Website - The Message Man

by Ethan King
10th October 2022

A website that caters your Gen-Z and Millennials and was based on a thorough evaluation process done by Crown Books NYC. I had a website before, and I thought it was already perfect and I'm doing it just right. Not when my current project manager step in and tell me about the word "branding." At first, I don't really trust the guy and I just think that it would be ridiculous to work with two guys! But I was wrong all along. He used to like the poems I've written which I don't often share to anybody. It was like a night and day, and now I'm ready to share with you, a poem entitled "Nightmares and Daydreams. Visit my website at

Cliff's Webpage


Cliff is a retired attorney who lives in Tampa, Florida with his wife of twenty-one years, Jennie. He received his BA degree in English and his law degree from the University of Florida. Cliff spent three years as an enlisted man in the U. S. Army Special Forces and went to Vietnam on a Special Forces “A” team. He also spent four years as a JAG officer in the Army at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina and during that time served as the Army’s prosecutor in a murder case called United States versus Jeffery McDonald which became infamous, at least three books having since been written about it, a made for TV movie made about it and a TV documentary titled “A Wilderness of Error” made which aired in 2021 on FX, in which Cliff appears. A link to that documentary is available on this website. Cliff also served as a military judge for a period of time. After the Army, Cliff began the practice of trial law in Tampa in 1972. He loved trial work and did it until retirement in 2014. Since then, he has written the books “How Stupid Are We?” and “Is He or isn’t He? A Response to God’s Not Dead.” Presently Cliff is writing a book of poetry. He and Jennie share several children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. They live in a comfortable home in a beautiful community in which they hope to spend the rest of their days.  

If you are a reasonable and decent person who supports Trump. Please, please tell me why. I really, really want to know. Cliff

As of the moment, Cliff has two books and one poetry book which is now in publication process with his publisher Crown Books NYC. We are inviting everyone to visit and join our community of people who simply cares.
