The Definition Of Stupidity

by jannick gregersen
16th March 2022

If intelligence is a person's capacity for problem solving then indeed logic bids that stupidity would be a person's capacity for problem creation. The definition of stupidity would go something like: 'the ability to create problems not in existence, proving yourself utterly incapable of solving them'.

So, it is an ability. Not a good one though. It's inability. Stupidity is a semantic transformer. If added as a prefix to the mix of abilities a person claim to have, the antonym to said ability becomes the primary descriptor of it.

Say you claim to be able at fish tank maintenance. You do it. You have fish. They keep dying though. A person observing this could conclude that you're creating a problem for the fish and yourself as they keep dying and you fallibly assert on a continuous loop that you're able to keep them, making you appear inauthentic. As though your ability for fish keeping is your inability to keep them from dying. So you look like a dick. A stupid fish maintainer. A fish detainer. Unable and inept.

Stupidity reveals itself through personal assertions or claims of abilities easily contested or fully disproved by external sources. Sensing stupidity amongst others without these propositions readily apparent to most is prejudice. Then you is the dick.

I intentionally misspelled the last sentence as I believed it to be funny. It doesn't have to be for you. But I believe we can arrive at the common conclusion that the dumb, the downright stupid is funny, though.

You got to be careful tho. Because asserting your ability to master a specific subject and thereafter having that supposed mastery publicly disproved for all to see, is hurtful and embarrassing. It creates clownish scapegoats and human laughing stocks. That, on the other hand, creates social bonds amongst the people, able to observe and narrate that manifestation of stupid. It creates professional careers, such as observational comedy. An ancient profession, based on identifying the evidentiary dumb, conceptualizing it narratively as a common observation. As self evident.

This morning, when I was minding my little indoor garden (an aquarium with weed plants in it) on of the hosts of the podcast I had orchestrated as comforting background noise, amused himself with the observational fact that the sexual minority rainbow movement seemingly keep adding letters to its name. And although I wasn't listening intensely, that little piece of truth made me snicker in a LOL manor, briefly and respectfully of course. Civilly. The observation struck me a bit harder, as these 'rainbow people', will always, everywhere on planet Earth, be minorities. Due to humans being a species of animal dependent on sexual reproduction as an evolutionary strategy. Like most other animals. Pretty much. Not sea stars.

Alas, they continue to attempt to include all of us, recently adding 'A' for acceptance. One can only speculate as to what, if not the generalized acceptance of 'them' that letter, in this context, thematicizes. A finger in the asshole or a secret, regrettable handjob shrugged off with a nervous giggle (possibly followed by suicide) in a darkroom. Being hit on by the same sex and not getting annoyed.

Anyways, such alphabetics could cause the 'paranoid' or average 'hetero-normie' or just, 'normie', to infer that indeed maybe these folks are trying to impose quasi democracy, in the form of gay minority rule on us all. Which is funny, because they intend to empower the claim that they represent us all, yet most know the opposite to be true. Still a continuous addition of letters to the rainbow, (now gay, not physics) occurs. It's funny to me. Because if you're not stupid, you know all you have to do is not be an asshole to strangers. Even though they might engage in same sex relationships. You'll never really know if they do. Lest you're somehow, for some weird reason situated in ways you're not accepting of.

You haven't even read this far have you?

In case you have, and ever need to define the essence of stupidity anywhere you may use this, with a reference to me.

Areas of interest


What a fun and refreshing read! Assuming not all the little mistakes/typos are intentional, it could use a wee bit of editing (e.g. manner instead of manor).
Having said that, I am not certain I agree with the opening.
Problem solving has, in a nutshell, a clear intention/motivation. Problem creation out of stupidity does, too. But I don't think the 'creation' is the driving force.
I am more inclined to say it represents a kind of deferral of a pre-existing issue (conscious or not - I doubt it matters in this regard) - like a form of projection that leads making it someone else's problem. Partly because there's bound to be folks better a solving them - and partly (arguably mostly) because its rewards are priceless;
ranging from pity to envy to condescension (and maybe, at least in theory, gratitude...)
Then again - most people don't want to solve their own problems - it's so much more self-gratifying to poke one's nose into others' business and feel empowered by the 'help' offered, or worse it provides entertainment to escape/ignore one's own mess.

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