Sometimes what you really need is simple: time, space and a whole load of tea and biscuits to get writing.
Well, it just so happens that’s exactly what happens at Brighton Writers’ Retreats.
Because, look, we get it. We have the same writerly problem. We make the grandest of plans – Booker Prize winning plans! Pulitzer winning plans! – but life gets in the way.
There’s always one more thing to do, or one more stupid thing to look at on the Internet. Before you know it, it’s gone midnight, you’re sitting in your pants eating Dairy Milk, and you’ve written 25 words. Ugh.
That’s why we developed our writing retreats, in which we turn off the wifi and make you get on with it.
We help you set a writing target for the day, ply you with caffeine, cake, and gold stars, and keep you pepped up and motivated all day long.
All you have to do is, uh… write.
Our (in)famous writing retreats were born in Brighton all the way back in 2012, and you’ll find a whole range of writers here — from novelists to short fictioneers, screenwriters to poets, academics to journallers. Everyone is welcome.
So c’mon down to B-town and let us help you. Because the only way to get your writing done is to sit down and write.