The Facility E-5319

by Mohamed Emad
24th February 2021





There is a question, yet we are too afraid to ask because we don’t know the real answer for it, the question is

Are you free?

Are you able to think about whatever you want, to do whatever you want, or are you chained?

And so are all of us?

Not all jail cells have bars, and the most dangerous cell of them is the glassed one because you can’t tell if you are prisoned or not, you are a victim of the illusion that you are doing whatever you please but in reality, you are just staying in the line and doing whatever it benefits those who are in control

The elite ones, the real elite not the one in this story.

The story is not so old, and the same game is played repetitively and we don’t learn


After world war 1 and 2 there had been a deep downfall in the economic systems worldwide, in a country as big as the states there must have been actions taken and there have been ideas displayed on the table all of them were vile and not that effective except for one, in one document there has been an idea which was as follows, we will build a facility and take the youths from the war victims and make them deal with special treatment when they stay there the facility will be their only home and world, And their jobs will be as such: wake up, shower, breakfast, study, invent, lunch, rest period, study/ invent, dinner, sleep

No internet, no outside, no mobiles, no economy, no sky, and no choice

pretty sealed plan, However, they all think that their life is beautiful because it is the only life they know they study from their childhood till they are 15 in different fields of science for long hours till they have by that age the knowledge of an academic student that is when they turn from a student into an inventor who builds tens of different things software, motor parts, chemical products, medical equipment, and many others for only one goal

All is well going far for more than 100 years, till early 2009

When the real fun begins

