The Fall of the Bullship Artist

by David Avila
28th April 2024

There was an artist who drew ships
Carrying cargo of bulls
He was a bullship artist...

The artist was sooo talented,
He made (and lost) a billion dollars
For a decade of craft...

His bullships were considered the best,
Known far and wide,
The artist drew his bullship on T.V.
And started bullship mass production...

This required the hiring and firing
Of many, many assistants
Even those very gifted and wise,
Regardless, the artist believed his bullship the best.

Forgoing decency and common sense...
The artist doubled down on his bullship,
Calling for hate, secretly allowing,
All other bullship to be hated upon.

Quietly encouraging, 
disseminating his ranks,
Followers whom cried for the destruction,
And pitiful distain for every other bullship,
But his reign would not last,

As balance is universal law;
The die of
"The Fall of the Bullship Artist" 
Was cast.

