The Guardians of Delarna

by Emelia Spargo
17th August 2021


The House of Peace,


Dawn was approaching. The time to leave.

All eight of them walked out of the palace and stood at the top of the steps, watching the horizon.

Leon was trying to look brave, but Jemma beside him, did not disguise the tear tracks on her face.

Anthea and Neil portrayed no emotion. Matter of fact as ever.

Ashley took Sophie's hand and the pair looked at each other.

"I believe we will find each other again" Ashley said.

"I know" was Sophie's reply.

Cassia looked along the line, at all the people standing to her left and it was clear her heart was breaking. Breaking for these people she had grown to care for as a family.

She looked to her right. Sennen felt all her pain. The anguish for these people they may never see again. These wonderful souls they had known a relatively short time but felt they had known all their lives. And may never see again.

As the sun rose, Sennen contemplated all the unsaid things between him and Cassia.

At the last second, as the light hit them, he grabbed Cassia's hand and made a promise "I will find you."

As all eight of them felt themselves pulled out of that world and away from each other, Sennen heard a reply "I'll be waiting," before her hand left his.

The House of Peace,


Ten years Later


The fire burned low, the only light in the room. It was dim enough that the wrecked furniture was barely visible. The scars on his face and hands were mere shadows.

Sennen stood and stared into the dying embers, feeling empty, numb and cold, now that the brief storm was over.

Behind him, the door opened with barely a sound and someone entered. Soft footsteps picked their way between the broken furniture, the shards of glass and china, until they came to a stop just within his vision on the left.

“You've been crying,” said a gentle female voice.

"You shouldn't be here," he said blankly.

"I am Queen, this is my home. I'll go where I like, Lord," she told him. Then she stepped further forwards into his vision.

For a queen she was dressed simply; a long dark green dress with gold trim at the waist. Glorious red hair flowing down to her waist. "We are old friends. I don't care what The Board has declared. You saved this world and I am forever grateful. I wish to help you. It was me who ensured the best medical assistance for your injuries and a counsellor. Have you seen Mira today?”

"She told me to stop moping and do something."

"I doubt she was as blunt as that."

"It was the impression I got."

"She's not wrong."

Sennen looked at her, pain in his eyes. The queen stepped a little closer, her own eyes portraying kindness, her voice gentle.

"I don't underestimate what you have endured Sennen. Do not think I have no sympathy. Remember that I endured some horrors myself once. But there is a reason that you are here. Last time you all came together. This time you have come alone. That's no accident. Others may depend on you. Two worlds may even depend on you. I think that's weighing on your mind, and the more you wait the worse it gets. You need to do something positive."

"I - I can't. I don't know how."

"You are afraid to try. Afraid to fail. But doing nothing in itself is failure. Wallowing in what ifs is only making things worse. Find some answers so you can deal with things."

"I broke my promise."

"You did not. You were brought here and taken back as though it were a dream. You could not know that it had been a real promise. But now that you remember, if you continue to sit around here then you will break your promise."

Queen Josa turned abruptly and walked to the door. But she paused and looked back at him, still standing there.

"Find her Lord Sennen. Before it's too late."

Then she left.

Sennen gazed into the ever dying embers and whispered,

"Cassia. I will find you."

Areas of interest
