I can hear what you are saying

by Cynthia Early
8th March 2021

I waved goodbye to my Mom as I slipped into John's red mustang with matching velvet seat covers, shiny chrome interior, and my senior ring hanging from the mirror. He had received the car as a graduation present from his Mom and Dad this past May of 2013. The smell of Jovian Musk filled my nostrils with an ambient feeling.
John took off heading for a small community college both wanted to attend;
checking out the curriculum, walk the halls, and perhaps talk to a Student Adviser.
The Montana back roads were really covered in fluffy snow with black ice underneath. The glare of the morning sun flashing in our eyes. The scenery was terrific while driving along Bluffs Creek Road. The Mountains seemed magical with awe-inspiring misty fog hid the top.
He knew this road and was cautious of all logging trails. Slowing down for the next curve in the road was a logging truck pulling out in front of us. All I heard was metal crashing and feeling as though I was flying in the air.
Suddenly... there was nothing. No sound of groans, moans, or people talking. There was dead silence until the logger yelled in grief "Oh, God look what I have done!" I know what you did, yet it wasn't your fault. He didn't respond. I kept screaming for help yet no one answered my pleas.

Sirens, I hear them coming. One medic said, "This poor guy lost his head."
No, John is dead! Where am I? Why can't anyone hear me? Finally, they got to be talking to each other saying, "Let's get the Lifeline out here pronto!"
I am fine...as a jolt hit me while I swirled and felt lite as a cloud. Once I woke up to find myself walking on a path with trees on both sides. Ah, the smell of Lavender and honeysuckle tingled my nostrils. The air was clean like no other. I kept on walking as seeing for the first time. Beautiful Lilacs', roses, and fruit trees grew everywhere. The brightest light was near the end of the path.
"Joan!" I looked around until I saw the figure of a man inside a fog. "Come to me and we will walk together." How did he know my name? Finally, the figure came out into the magnificent light I knew then it was He, the man of all creation. I felt so comfortable as His healing arms wrapped around me. "I knew you were coming. I wanted to greet you myself; welcome you to your new home where you will live among the angels.


Areas of interest
