Invisible bonds

by Yatish Raj
16th December 2021

This is the story of two soulmates who are unaware that they are made for eachother no matter how much they try to go far awt from eachother. This is the story is about takazu and ika. 


Takazu is a very nice and kind person. He was too nice to be a person and he always help others not because he want something in return from others, because he do this for himself. He just want to live his life in peace and die in peace. 


On other hand ika is a rebellious person. She have problems with almost everything around her. She always get into fight with other girls or even boys. She don't like anybody. She only goes to school so that she can get good marks for her resume. She wanted to leave the country and wants to settle in Siberia.

I know what you all are thinking that why anybody wants to live in harsh environment ? Why not some better place like California or Switzerland. The reason behind that is Because she wants to live far away from other people. She wants to live alone in peace, far away from people.


     Both ika and takazu are in same high school. They even are in same class but different sections. 


One day ika got into a big fight with a group of boys in school. She got beaten up so badly and no one helped her because she was selfish, stubborn and rebel. Coincidentally Takazu was passing by that place and he was the one who took her side without knowing her. Ika was soo badly hurt that she even can't stand. Takazu said "leave her alone". 

The leader to that boys gang toma said that "back off you little brait. This is none of your business." Takazu said "yes this is not my buisness but you can't hurt anybody soo badly like this. This is cruelty and inhuman. So I am saying you last time, leave her alone."

Toma get mad after listening this. He and his friends beat takazu till he bleed and cannot stand for himself. At that time also takazu didn't beat or hurt anyone. Then toma and his friends leave both of them and gone to do some other suff. Ika had seen all This whole scenario but that time she can't do anything accept seeing takazu beaten up. After sometime ika barely got up and took takazu to her house because takazu was unconscious and ika's house is near by. Ika somehow took takazu to home and treasted her herself. She put takazu on her bed and treated him. By the time she treated herself also. In evening takazu woke up and surprised that where he is, then he saw ika sleeping on a sofa. After seeing ika he understood immediately that she was the person who treated him. He didn't woke up ika and left her house but before that he made dinner for her because she was alone in her home and he owe her for taking care of him.


When ika woke up then she found that takazu is gone with a letter by her side. The letter says that "thank you for what you did for me. Nobody ever did this for me and you are the first one. I made some ramen for you so eat it and take care of yourself."


Ika immediately goes to kitchen and see that kitchen is clean as new and ramen was there in a big bowl. When she ate that ramen her heart beat raises, maybe it is because nobody care for her or maybe it's that heart and soul that takazu put to make food for her. 


Ika and takazu where totally different person but their is something that common in both of them that they both are alone in this big world. 


Next morning in lunch time ika came to takazu and thank him for what he did. Takazu said "it's fine no need to worry". Ika leave the classroom with a pleasant simile in her face. maybe she was impressed that somebody took her side when nobody did. 


After three days takazu was passing from the corridor and suddenly he saw that in corner ika was scolded by her homeroom teacher for not scoring good marks. And takazu hear all that what teacher said to ika. Later when school ended he waited for ika at school gate. When ika saw him she says "hi takazu how are you ?". 

Takazu said "if you are facing any problems in studies then you can approach me without any hesitation, thats what friends are for, right!"

 Ika was shocked for a second. She took a deep breath and said "sorry but I don't know what is friendship and all because I don't have any friends." 

Takazu said "I don't know either". 

Ika said "but you are the topper of the class. You sure have bunch of friends, right!".

Takazu said "No. Being a topper is difficult because everyone is jealous of you and wants to catch up to you and in that race of being topper I sacrificed mostly everything including my few 1 or 2 friends."

With a huge smile Ika said "ok then, from today onwards we are officially friends and you help me out with studies."


Takazu was shocked and worried at same time that one day she also left him like other because of his behaviour.


Takazu said "you can come over to my place tomorrow if you don't have any problem with it."

Ika said "ok fine".


Next day ika gone to takazu's place and she was shocked that takazu have a whole personal library of his own. 

She said "these all books are yours ??"

Takazu said"yeah these all are mine and they all are more than a book to me, like a friend you can say."

Ika understand right away that he is a loner like her.


Ika and takazu started studying in takazu room. Ika noticed that he is very much found of books and music. 


Ika suddenly said "what is the most important thing to you in this world ?"

Takazu said "books, I guess. But why you ask ?"

Ika said "you don't know but I figured out something very special about you."

Takazu said "what's that ?"

Ika said "you hide your loneliness and emptiness in these books."


Takazu was completely in shocked and he said "maybe because I don't have any friends."

Ika said "earlier you don't have any but now you have me as friend so if you need any help then don't bother to ask me."

Takazu said "but for now you need my help to pass so let's continue studying."


Takazu and ika study for a while and in evening ika left for home.

Before going home ika said "see you tomorrow."

Takazu felt a sensation in his heart at that moment Maybe because nobody said him those words before or maybe he finds a friend who last for a longer time.

Next day ika found takazu on the roof of school all alone by himself watching the sky with his cold eyes. Ika knew it at that moment that takazu is is different from others. 

Then suddenly ika asked takazu to help her in studies.

Takazu looked at her and said "that okay I will help you but not right now."

Ika said "ok then let me know when you are free." 

that day they studied but they also talked to each other. maybe they feel a similar connection between them which never felt similar to anybody.

She left with a thought that what he is wondering about me.


next day in school ika was going to her classroom and suddenly takazu appears out of nowhere. they didn't talked but they both are staring each other like crazy. in that moment even though they didn't talked in words but they talked more than thousand words through their sparkling eyes. takazu rush back to class followed by ika.


days passed and they don't even realized that because of studying they both are coming closer and closer to each other day by day. they laugh and they even cry together. they both eventually changing because of their unknown close relationship. 


ika grades eventually becoming better and better because of takazu's tutoring. one day ika invited takazu to her home for dinner. takazu came to her and greet her for her great performance in her exams. they both started celebrating and suddenly ika hugged takazu so tightly and said "I want to hold you tight like I never let you go. I want to hold you like nobody does. Our deep connection is like tree and soil. Without soil, tree will eventually die and without tree soil will become dry and harsh like desert who is dead from inside out without tree".

takazu was startled of her reaction. he was happy that ika feels the same way as he does but he was worried to that this relationship can harm his academic future and he has bigger ambition than others. so he made a serious face and told ika that " i am glad that you liked me so much and your words penetrate my heart but this relationship will eventually effect you and me". after listening his reaction ika was shocked that they both spend soo much time together with fun and joy and still is doesnt like me. takazu leave her house at that instance.


They didn't see each other from that day together for a while.


Ika was devastated that her true feelings meant nothing to someone she truly cherrish.

On Other hand takazu was already moved on because he knew that his goal is supreme infront to anyone even ika. 


They didn't talk to eachother after that incident even in school when you crossed each other path they'll pretend that they didnt even know each other. 


After few years they graduated from school. Takazu went to USA for his further studies and ika went to tokyo University with good grades for higher studies. 

They both were changed alot in few years. Takazu became more and more intelligent and sharp while ika become more smart and beautiful. Ika changed from being a brat to a beautiful well mannered women now. 


Feelings does make a difference in everyone's life. We didn't realise but we may hurt others feelings and those wounds are pretty deep. It can change a person whole lot.


Takazu became a well known scientist and ika became I researcher. 


Takazu achived his goal but inside his heart everytime his felt empty inside. Maybe the reason behind his emptiness is because he was lonely or maybe because he left ika behind to suffer pain alone.


One day takazu went to Siberia with other scientists for researching on climate change but he was unaware that what happen there will changed him.


At that time ika was already living and researching in Siberia on aqautic animals. 


Takazu went to a iced lake in Serbia and exploring his surroundings. Suddenly he saw ika near that lake fishing. At first he was soo shocked seeing ika after soo long. 

A Cold breeze blows on takazu face, realising him they were not kids anymore. Ika didn't notice her at that time. 

Takazu didn't think a word and step forward towards her with a joy in his heart that he somehow found his missing piece in heart but suddenly a voice resonate in the surrounding saying "mommy I found a little bird !! ". And that voice is of ika's 3 years daughter tohru. 

When takazu saw a little girl saying ika mommy he realised in that instance that his world became so empty way before he realises. He somehow stopped his restless feet which were already begun walking towards ika and turned backwards but when he stepped his next step against ika's direct the sound of cracking ice came out. 

Ika heard that voice and when she turned around she can't believe her eyes that after soo many years she can see takazu again. 

Ika said "takazu! is it you ? Is it really you ? But how you came here ? I can't believe that you are really here!!! "


Takazu turned around and he saw ika was in full of tears. Takazu didn't even realise but his tears were flowing like a river full of sadness. 


He said his words with tears of sorrow in his eyes "ika I'm sorry! I'm really sorry ! I left you behind all alone all this time. I was so arrogant and ambitious that I ignored my happiness within you. I overlooked your feelings and now I am in the prisoner of past. I deserve what I did to you."

Ika hugged takazu soo tightly andshe said with a smiling that "their is no need for crying and apologizing. I am here living my dream and it's only possible because of you. If you didn't break my heart then I wouldn't work soo hard for acheiving my dreams. Listen carefully takazu - some people didn't came in you life to ruin it or make you feel sad, they came in your life to make you more stronger than before, so I am greateful. See I have beautiful family of my own that I can forever cherrish and it's only possible because of you. I found my true self because you left me all alone and you didn't did that at that time then I may end up depent on you and lost my own passion so I am alot grateful to you. And you still mean alot to me so don't blame yourself."


Takazu was so relieved after listening to ika. He was a bit sad that he's not by her side as a husband but he was happy to that he will always support her as a best friend. He said with a slight smile "thank you ika! I am really glad to meet you again. For now I take a leave but someday I'll come for dinner so be prepared for that."


She said "ofcourse be my guest anytime. You can come whenever you want. And by the way my husband is also a scientist just like you."


Takazu said "not better than me."

He left after saying that. 


Tohru asked ika "who was he mom ?"

Ika said with a gentle smile "he was the reason that your mommy is here with you at this place."


Takazu realises something really important that day that "its not necessary that your goal will give you what you really want, sometimes a special person also can make you happier than ever just staying by your side as a friend."


Those words of ika healed takazu's emptiness with a gentle touch of beautiful words. 

