by Dipanjan Bhattacharjee
7th February 2022

May we but live and ne'er regret?
Choices ain't too lucid; Mankind!
Mistakes rule the labyrinth of fate,
And plays too rife with our subtle mind.

For moments few; two roads we see,
One runs bright sans much concern.
The other lies too dark and bleak,
Covert beneath the wooden ferns.

No man can e'er to his surprise, 
Learn the ends sans walking thru. 
Two roads hold the same old skies,
But ends are different neath the blue.

There's way and way leads ways,
For, the end is veiled to the cloddish kind.
Evermore the crossroad stays,
And savours the game of baffled minds.

To one road that's fulgently wide,
A man perhaps shall walk on thru.
But into a trench that for long hides,
Falls abruptly sans a clue.

Oft despondent roads less trod,
Enfolded with those yellow leaves,
Open doors to the land of God,
For the one whose heart believes.

There's more ways for him to find,
For; the journey ends not till we die.
Let new roads serve all mankind,
With voice of time as a loyal spy.
© Dipanjan Bhattacharjee

Areas of interest
