I have been personally and professionally inspired by the life and death of Anthony Bourdain. I am in the process of shining the same sort of attention that he did on the world of surgical services and the depths of the world that is hospitals, money, insurance, personal characters, and to help inform the general public of their rights and to also bulks awareness of the pitfalls of modern medicine. Liken to Tony’s alert to “not buying the fish special on Wednesday’s” I hope to shine a light on the same system weaknesses that make the general public more at risk to fall victim to the failures of surgical services in the USA. I have 18 years of personal perspectives and material over multiple stated and from a perspective of many professional tones. I am ready to share what I know and to do it in the voice and spirit of A. Bourdain. Thank you for considering me.
Hi Heather. To my shame I'd never heard of Anthony Bourdain until I saw your post. Having now updated myself on this fascinating individual I just want to say thanks for bringing him to my attention. I will endeavour to study him more as the interesting human being that he was. Best regards, Mark.