Questions and Answers

by Lucy Thatcher
9th February 2021

                     Questions and Answers

"You there. May I ask what it is that brings you peace?"

I shook my head, "I don't know Sir"

"You don't know? How can you not know?"

"I'm not sure I've been peaceful"

He scoffed, "Nonsense. You're overthinking. That is what bars you from the serenity you already hold, child."

I kicked the ground, "That may be, Sir. But, if I can't feel it, do I really hold it?"

"Do you not believe in peace?"

"I believe in many things, Sir; that does not mean I am blessed with them."

"There you go again."

"What, Sir?"


"How do I stop?"

He shook his head, "I can't tell you that."

"May I ask why?"

"Because that would require thinking."

"Oh. I see."

We stood there in silence for a moment as he regarded me.

"Pick up that rock there."

I complied, unsure.

"Tell me, what is it thinking?"

Perhaps he was mad?

"It's not thinking anything, Sir."


I frowned, frustrated, "But I am not a rock."

"No, but in your hand that rock isn't simply 'a rock' either. It could be anything - a ball, a weapon, a treasure - anything you want."

"Do you want me to throw it?"

"If you did would it still be a rock?"



"I don't understand, Sir."

"Your mind had the power to conceive many a complex idea, but simplicity is the most powerful. Family. Friend. Love. Joy. Don't overcomplicate them, just appreciate them for what they are."

"What does this have to do with peace, Sir?" 

"Everything. Look at the rock and see it only for what it is. Don't search for more."

With that, the gentleman left as I sat and stared at the rock.

Smooth and cold. Solid and grey. 

I thought not of its origin nor purpose. I saw only a rock. 

Eventually, the darkness of night set in and I left this place. 

That evening I slept soundly in the sanctum of my bed, thinking only of the rock. 

After breakfast, I returned and found the rock once again. Turning it in my hands I waited.

Worn footsteps approached, "You there, may I ask what brings you peace?"

I turned and smiled at the gentleman, "I do, Sir." 

