The story begins

by Melinda Tung
16th October 2016

Hi all,

This is how my story begins. Does it appeal to you? Any comments are very much appreciated. 

Many thanks.

Kind regards,



On the last day of term before the summer holiday, a mobile book library throws open its doors for children to pick up books to help tie them over during the long break. Most children have already picked up their books and departed for the start of their summer. Others continue to search the shelves for a hidden treasure or two before leaving.

 Amongst the few children remaining are ten year-olds Joe and Zen – two best friends, so close they may as well be brothers. Zen, a tall and slender boy with handsome, sharply defined features, already has his book while Joe listlessly searches the racks for something.

 The athletic Joe searches intently, pulling forward books sat in front of other books to find the one he’s looking for.

 “Come on Joe, what’s wrong?” asks Zen, impatient to begin his holiday.

 “I can’t find the one I wanted.”

 “Didn’t you reserve it?”

 Joe shakes his head. “I wasn’t sure I’d have enough money to buy it.”

 The book-keeper, a short and stocky man whose age is creeping slowly towards retirement wanders across to the two boys, the look of impatience he has on his face is quickly replaced with a smile when he reaches them. “Is everything okay boys?”

 “He can’t find the book he wanted,” answers Zen.

 “Which one are you looking for?” asks the book-keeper.

 Joe takes one last scan of the shelves, his eyes flitting across dozens of familiar but not right titles. “Snow White,” says Joe.

 “Snow White! Why would you want that? That’s a girl’s book,” decries Zen.

 Joe looks at his friend. They both have the same sharp features, adding to the impression they could be brothers. “I was going to buy it for Win,” he replies.

 The book-keeper has no need to look for Snow White. He knows the fate of every book in his store.

 “I’m afraid that particular book has sold out. It proved very popular this week.”

 Joe’s disappointment deepens further, but as he casts his eyes to the floor, a small paperback book poking half in and half out from between the floor and the shelves catches his eye. He ducks down and picks it up.

 “Island Adventures,” he mumbles to himself as he flips the book over to read the summary. His frown becomes a smile.

 “I’ll take this one instead. I’m sure Win will like it.”

 Zen takes the book from Joe and glances at the back as the book-keeper tells Joe. “It’s £2.95 for that one.”

 Joe reaches into his pocket and pulls out a handful of coins. He thrusts them into a large shovel like hand of the book-keeper. “I’ve been saving from my pocket money. I hope that’s enough.”

 The elderly book-keeper takes the change and counts through the coins individually.

 “Why are you buying a book for Win?” asks Zen as the book-keeper continues to count.

 “I promised I’d read her a story while we’re on the plane.”

 It’s a few pennies short but hearing Joe’s reason and a quick glance at the hopeful look on Joe’s face softens the book-keeper’s heart. “That’s exactly right, young man.” 


Many thanks Trish,

It was by chance I reviewed my shared work again and knew about your comments. It's really nice to know after such long time my work is read with feedback. It will be great if W&A is able to send an alert to the members when new comments are available for old shared worked.

I'm thrilled you're interested to know more about the story. Not sure if I can share my novel here. It will be too long. I'm currently working on self-editing and trying to bring the word count down to 55000 words.

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Hi Melinda - I agree with all the above comments, except that I'd just like to add one more:

the 'shovel like' hand should read 'shovel-like'.

I'd be really interested to hear what the three kids get up to on their adventures, so do please share the rest of your book with us.

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Trish Wedgwood

Many thanks Lorraine,

I love reading your comments. This helps me to learn and improve my writing skills. Very kind of you. Can I share my whole book here by uploading bit by bit? I'm dying to discover if my story good enough.

This beginning is to introduce the three children, who will then go on adventures. The book Snow White will not be mentioned again but the other one is read to Win on the plane.

Lorraine and Susan, your time and efforts are very much appreciated.

Kind regards,


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