Sweet Poison

by Rio Cupido
1st February 2021

Quietly, he watches from her window, his open mouth drooling at the sight of what he so desperately desires, like a child yearning for the wide array of confectioneries displayed through the glass-front of a candy-store, and with those same coveting eyes, he yearns for her young body. 

If not for the incessant pattering of endless streams pouring atop the porcelain-tile floor, he is most certain she would have heard his heavy breath, and the rustling of the dry grass on which he stood. If not for the smell of her coconut-scented shampoo and lavender-infused body-wash, his anxious sweats would've surely stung her delicate nose. But as for now, he remains undetected, most discreet in his perverse acts. 

Had he planned to stalk the showering child? No, he had not. Perhaps a man of great mental sickness could plan such an awful thing, but he was no such man. For you see, to plan, would be evil, but to succumb to a most relentless longing, that would be only human. ​​​​

Her warm ivory shade glows ever divine through a thin veil of hot steam, oh, what a heavenly nymphet she is, with her smooth, glistening skin, and honey-blonde hair, slithering down her bare back. Even a man of purest soul and clearest mind would struggle to resist such pulchritude in the flesh. 

He who lurks at the girl's window, who craves the nude child, who envies each drop of water as it falls apon her naked chest, knows he can never satisfy his taboo lust. If only society did not judge the way they do, if only people could love whomever their hearts may choose – but no, stray from what society deems acceptable and you will be shunned, forever viewed as a monster – grotesque and unworthy of compassion or understanding.

So forever may his heart ache, forever may it be a miserable, loveless void, unable to be filled, forever will he crave forbidden fruit, forever will he be alone. 

Areas of interest
