Who Asked You

by Marquita Kendrick
27th October 2022

We generally show people a side of ourselves that we believe is attractive and impressive so that the intended person would not see that underneath it all there is a desire for Acceptance, yearn for Approval and an ear for Affirmation. The biggest obstacle to face is telling the truth to ourselves about who we are and swallow the ever changing choices and decisions each of us have made and make, that shape our todays. These decisions become baggage that we lug around because we aren’t comfortable with seeing shattered glass as our reflection. Are we naïve enough to think that there won’t be another heartache and due hardships in searching for truths?Truth is the one word that bridges the gap for everything. 

Regardless of your status- without understanding the importance of TRUTH and SELF REFLECTING with NO Chaser, you are essentially running a race with no finish line.

Who Asked You? We are about to see…whether you are simply fitting into what people think or standing out because you are unique made by God and possess everything you need already on the inside of you. Where is your passion, where are your gifts? Where is your opinion? What is your truth? Why is Approval, Acceptance, and Affirmation so important? Who Asked You? I’m Asking You!

Acceptance is one of the desires that breed deceit. We seek the acceptance of those around us subconsciously because we are reared in a world that gives importance to material things, simplifies character, and minimizes God. We are held captive to being accepted by others, thus we lose or have lost sight in thesignificance in accepting ourselves. 

When did the opinions of others become so important? When did the insecurities in yourself overshadow your ability to grow? We think about so many unimportant matters; focusing on the important areas in self is put to the side for another day.  

So self-absorbed but not self-reflective.

There comes a time in life when making a choice about remaining stagnant and aging with no change or accepting you have every tool you need to produce dreams into reality. Age doesn’t determine growth and maturity, and wisdom doesn’t come because of experiences but learning that every experience is a lesson, will awaken a dormant soul, an unfulfilled spirit, and a unattained purpose.

Accepting that the only way to live is living with purpose setup to plummet you to your destiny.  

Great speech -first things first. 

The first step in acceptance. Acceptance doesn’t mean that you are in an awful place but it means that you are ready to grow in life. Growth is the one thing that we are supposed to get yet many of us are unconsciously going through life’s routine out of daily habit and have yet to relinquish control. Acceptance is knowing that I don’t have all the answers thou I am willing to seek it out. I am willing to find out something about the area I have need in from a source whether it be a book, a person, and best of all God! We need to understand that the people in our circle should be evaluated, they should have a benefit- that benefit is possessing something you need to grow, that means the purpose for them in your life is not to keep upholding or being loyal solely because you do the same stuff they like, but because they want to push you into greatness. Acceptance starts when we are young. We seek the acceptance of our parents, and some of us are given away to our aunts, grandparents, foster care, then the acceptance is looked for from our peers. You are simply a liar, if you think that you have never made a decision in life based upon a need for love, a want to be included, an insecurity.

We only accept bits and pieces and expect for someone else to care about your situation, you’re currently in, care that you were assaulted as a child, care that you only had one parent, care, care, care. In all of the looking, had we taken the time to find out if we cared enough about self. I’m not trying to act as though human need for others acceptance isn’t a part of our makeup, but it should not take precedence.

Gods acceptance should be 1st. I am not going to brow beat you with the Word, but I am going to remind you of the importance of finding out who you are in Him and to Him. You are not aself-made person but God made, so He is the only one able to show you who you are and diminish the need for others approval about the changes you are ready to make in your life for self-empowerment, improvement, and elevation.

Unconditional Love

In 1 John 4 there is a scripture that reads, “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world”. This means that no matter what you face or what you go through whether financial, health, childhood hurts, grown up pains that God direction is greater. That you are made perfect in His sight because you are seen through the blood of Jesus Christ. That no acceptance supersedes His love and his Love will teach you love and accepting self and even those which you seek to understand you.

To be great you must be willing to be hated, ridiculed, mistreated, and misunderstood. Small minds will never understand the vision God gave you and it's not for them to understand.

We are accustom to gaining meaning less friendships and relationships all for the sake of not being alone or lonely. One of the greatest misconceptions of the statement that is happiness comes from within is that it leaves out the most important part to make it true. If what is within is not from the Lord, then the joy will be temporary instead of a permanent state in life. When u finally get tired of feeling less adequate, unsatisfied, and don't give any more energy to the likes of others, then end of the rope will be your purpose. 

Why because accepting your life's journey makes us step out in faith.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media outlets are breeding grounds for exposing insecurities, giving a false sense of friendship, and makes your truth even easier to evade because the glass isn’t reflective because we have turned off the light to look at ourselves in the dark. 

I’ve attempted to expand your thoughts but giving reason for acceptance and skimmed into who has the power to envelope you in truth, now the best part is confronting what we close our eyes to. 

I keep asking questions because there is an answer in us. Have you come to terms with your truth? Is it better to feel good than to face the inevitable and move on?
