Starting out

You have an interest in writing and your thoughts are turning towards committing some ideas to paper, or turning pages of notes into a full manuscript.

2 min read
17th September 2021
25th May 2022

Although chapter summaries are more often used for writers of non-fiction when they are putting together their submission materials, writing a...

2 min read
17th September 2021
4th January 2022

Study the blurbs on the backs of books lining your shelves at home. Choose ones in your genre that have influenced you, or you feel close to...

6 min read
1st September 2021
1st September 2021
Olli Alanen, executive director of Finland's Children and Youth Foundation, on the origins of Read Hour, and why it's so important to get involved....
2 min read
17th August 2021
5th January 2022

Take a single word and put it in the middle of a blank sheet of paper.

Underline it.

From that word, draw a line out and write...