Is 70,000 Words for a Sci-Fi novel enough...?

by Mykie Hall
15th April 2013

I would like to thank everyone who answered my first question. The answers were varied but all equally as helpful and I'm beginning to wish I found this website earlier on.

I have almost finished the first ruff draft book 1 of a two part novel. I'm a total novice but I was advised at the beginning that the hardest part about is writing novel is actually writing (who knew) and that I should just get stuck into it. So I've followed this advice without really doing any research into publishing best practice. Now that i'm closing in on completion I've been scratching my head a lot recently. I've ordered the writers year book which is on its way and i'm sure will help but I would like help with a few questions.

1. Is 70,000 words for part 1 of my Sci-Fi novel enough?

2. How many times should I edit my work?

3. My novel has 12 Characters in total but 6 main ones, is that too many?

4. At what point is it OK to start book 2

5. The story is based mainly in Japan should I think about sending my complete Manuscript/s to publishing houses there or is that a waste of time?


This is very interesting, so the general consensus is 70,000 words may be a little too short for a Sci-Fi novel that has 12 characters.

I'm looking at the 6 main characters and think maybe 2 can be merged, maybe. Which kills me cause i'm kind of attached to the one that might get the chop, she's the one that has the most humorous personality in the book. :(

The alternative is to thicken it out a bit I guess, try get it to somewhere between 80,000 - 95,000. Shouldn't be that much of a problem, I have a lot of deleted material I can look at and maybe throw some back in.

Thanks guys, feedback appreciated.

P.S Thank you for your kind words Megan, that mean a lot as it's starting to get a bit intimidating now.

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I'm currently working with Sonny Whitelaw who wrote novel versions of the Stargate series. She informs me that the average novel is 90000 - 120000, but sci-fi tends to be longer, 90000 - 140000. 70000 seems a little short but there are no hard and fast rules - it's how long it takes to tell the story.

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3. I'm with the others, that does sound a lot for 70,000 words.

Note to self: remember to check the whole post, not just the last few lines!

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