Is this an appropriate use of 'Ask a Question'?

by Hache L. Jones
7th September 2016


I haven't been active in this community until very recently. I am currently working on a project which, when it comes to fruition, will see the publication of an anthology of flash fiction on a specified theme. I am inviting contributions from people from all walks of life - not just writers - and the entire proceeds of the venture will go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, UK. Would it be acceptable for me to give a link here to the dedicated website for the project - so that people can take a look and join in if they feel so inclined?



Jimmy - thank you so much for that generous offer - it's very kind of you. And you're right - I do need to modify the remit to make it more flexible. I'll give that a good chewing over during the weekend.

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L. Jones
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Hache L. Jones

@ Paul: I agree with Hache.

"For sale; baby shoes, unused." is one word shorter than "For sale; baby shoes, never used." But the latter is MUCH better writing!

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Hollis i Dickson
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Jimmy Hollis i Dickson

ALRIGHT, fellow writers, I am now throwing down a gauntlet!

I have submitted 6 pieces of flash fiction to this project, all of which have been accepted, although I subsequently pointed out to Hache that one of them should be disqualified, because it didn’t conform to the conditions of the remit. (I am hoping that she’ll modify the condition in question…) Through private channels (Hache appears to send an e-mail to every submitter, whether their submission is accepted or not: a task that – considering her personal life [very ill husband] at the moment – I can only describe as generous and heroic), I am informed that another writer is far ahead of me in number of submissions. My goal is to overtake her!

But here is my challenge: Can any of you beat me when the final whistle is blown? I am adding one more condition to this personal challenge. You may send as many submissions as you like, but for the sake of tallying in THIS challenge, only stories where a completely different reason is given will be counted towards the goal. For example, if you submit 2 stories where the baby dies before wearing the shoes, they might both be accepted for the anthology, but you only score ONE point under MY rules. (I will admit a story about a still-born baby and one who dies at 4 months to count TWO points.)

I am also throwing a prize down with the gauntlet: The winner [most submissions on completely different bases] – as judged by Hache and myself – will receive a free book of their choice (NOT the hardback edition) from La Gr@not@’s vast range of 4! The winner of the most ORIGINAL story (judged by Hache alone [or – if she wishes – by a panel on which I DON’T take part, as I have favourites among you – including myself ;p]) gets another book from our range.

Alright, you chicken-livered, yellow-bellied, moth-eaten COWARDS! Who dares to pick up that gauntlet?

Profile picture for user jimmy@ji_34235
Hollis i Dickson
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Jimmy Hollis i Dickson