Are books dying?

by Michelle Yeboah
10th March 2014

I've been having this argument for a while. My boyfriend seems to think that physical books will eventually die out and will be replaced by ebooks entirely. I always argue there will always be people that love the feel of a new book, the smell and the actual physicality of having that book! Almost like a trophy! What say you? Are books dying?


Yes & No. Yes, physical books are losing trend. But No I haven't yet succumbed to it, I love the feel, smell and touch of physical books. I don't ever like e books!

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V Murali
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I keep them all, fiction or not. Actually that's not quite true as we're moving house and I was ordered to reduce numbers a bit. So I did, but then just happened to find a pile of my late father's books I'd not read so ended up with more than I'd lost :)

I don't think Kindle books will ever replace paper entirely, though the former may become more and more expensive as volumes decline, unless publishers move more towards POD and buyers rely less on bookshop stock, something that would be regrettable.

Adrian - I tend to look at their kitchen cupboards, but I have worked in that industry for 20 years. Or maybe I'm just odd ;)

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I have not yet succumbed to buying eBooks or a Kindle. I prefer to buy books on Amazon, or from the three charity shops where I live.

I pass novels on to my nieces and friends. But I keep my educational books. Many contain illustrations and photographs.

I like the physical presence of books in my home. Books on shelves have a magnetic attraction. They are in easy reach if I need to refer to them.

Books can tell you much about a person. I am interested to see what people read when I walk in their homes. I run my eyes along their bookshelves. It is a conversation starter.

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